The asian parent epidemic
Ok, I'm feeling pretty peeved

at the moment, so bear with my little rant. Here is where the story begins..
This morning, I got my dad to drop me off quite early at the station because I planned on visiting Koorong before catching the train to work. (I needed to look at some stuff for my bf's group pressie). Anyway, I spent a good half hour in there, getting prices, comparing different books etc. Then I caught the train in.. and I had just arrived at Wynyard when my dad calls me saying my boss called home asking for me. Now thats quite unusual, because I wasn't even late. I was arriving at normal time, and have arrived later than this fairly often.
So my dad was freaking because he thought my boss was calling because I was late or something stupid like that. So I get in to work and I find out my boss was calling home simply because:
a) he didn't have my mobile number, and
b) there was some work that I had to do for this person, and she was becoming anxious about getting it completed - he just wanted to know whether I was coming in today (I was off sick yesterday), and if not, he'd get another to complete the work.
Anyway so it's all cool, I do the work etc etc. Then I get this suprise call from my mum asking where I was (whether I was at work), and to give her my bosses name and number.
What the?!? She must've found out from dad about my boss calling. So she's being silly and thinking I'm getting in too late. She actually wants to call my boss and ask him what is the starting time for my work and whether I was getting in too late. I, of course, refuse to give it to her. I mean how unprofessional would that look, not to mention embarrassing and downright bl..dy hindering awkward! I really think she has no right to meddle in affairs to do with my work! I mean sheesh!!
*ok think caaalm.. deep breath in.. deep breath out..*
Well, I feel a bit better now. But I still am stuck with the problem of my mum wanting my bosses number. I managed to stave her off by saying I'll try and find out "official starting times" (not that I think there even is such a thing here!) She wants me to show her a document from HR as proof, or something ridiculous like that. I'll see if I can get my hands on one I suppose. Though I really don't think one even exists! Oh, and she threatened to find out my bosses number by herself (by calling up and enquiring) if I didn't give it to her.
*sigh* I think I need to move out. Real soon. Anyone got any vacancies?? Please?!?
There was one occasion a while ago where I was complaining about to an Aussie friend about my parents chucking a fit over me coming home too late. This friend then commented about how cute/sweet it was that my parents were so concerned about my going out too much/coming home too late. And I was sitting there thinking "What on earth are you talking about? It ain't cute or sweet in the slightest!! It's absolutely, frustratingly annoying!". Its times like this I really wish I had Aussie parents.
Current listening :: "Beautiful Collision" - Bic Runga