Wedding #1
I just realised that I've only posted twice in the last week - my appologies for the lack of updates! The past week has just been so unbelievably hectic. I attended two weddings on Saturday, which were both very nice.
The first one was that of two close friends from uni - Jo and Pete (omg I can't believe their married now!!!). The ceremony was absolutely beautiful, and had a really personal touch to it - from the vows that they wrote themselves, to the recessional music (the theme from the smurfs!) Before the ceremony started, they had a slideshow presentation on the screen showing photos of Jo and Pete at various stages of their life, |
from baby to current, with different friends and family (including a few rather embarrassing photos of our uni group, the "Crew"!) Then lastly, a short video clip was shown of the actual proposal that Pete (dressed and painted as a blue smurf!) had made to Jo. Soooo sweeet! *sniff*
I must admit, I felt fairly teary as Jo walked down the aisle. There was just something so joyful and pure about it. I looked about at the faces of our friends as they gazed at her, and saw that quiet joy mirrored in their faces. It was a truly beautiful moment. The musical item sung whilst they signed the register was a really beautiful song called "I Will Be Here" - it was written by Steven Curtis Chapman to his wife when they got married. *sigh*
"Tomorrow morning if you wake up
and the sun does not appear
I, I will be here
If in the dark you lose sight of love
Hold my hand and have no fear
'Cause I, I will be here
I will be here when you feel like being quiet
When you need to speak your mind
I will listen, and I will be here
when the laughter turns to crying
Through the winning, losing and trying, we'll be together
'Cause I will be here
Tomorrow morning if you wake up
and the future is unclear
I, I will be here
As sure as the seasons are made for change
Our lifetimes were made for years
So I, I will be here
I will be here and you can cry on my shoulder
when the mirror tells us we're older
I will hold you, and I will be here
to watch you grow in beauty
and tell you all the things you are to me
I will be here
I will be true to the promise I have made
to you and to the One who gave you to me."
Wedding #2
The second wedding (of Andrew's sister) was nice too. The music went pretty well, and
we received a number of compliments on our playing. We might even get a gig at some future event as a result (one of the groomsman was interested in contacting us if there was a need for a band at some future event.. yay!) Straight after the wedding, I rushed off to Wahroonga for the Forbidden Broadway dress rehearsal, then rushed back to Hunters Hill for the reception. (Unfortunately I couldn't make Jo and Pete's reception that night because of this one). The food at the Mandalay House was absolutely scrumptious, particularly the
dessert trolley. YUMMM! I also met a number of Andrew's relatives for the first time, and we seemed to get along which was good. Anyway, here's a mugshot of me and Andrew at the reception.
"One, two, buckle my shoe"
We had our first rehearsal for Deb's album launch on Sunday, which was pretty exciting for me! I arrived a little late, but they were still sitting around waiting for the congregation to finish their service in the theatre. I admit I felt a little intimidated by all the talented and fully professional muso's all around me. Though it was nice talking to the likes of Pete Kohlhoff and Mark Peterson, they didn't seem to have much to say to me. I was glad when Vron arrived! Maybe its wierd for them to be playing with me coz they knew me when I was a bit younger, and was just an amateur musician (not that anything's changed now, I've only become a slightly more skilled amateur :P). Anyway, that doesn't really matter I guess. The rehearsal was still fun - and its really cool to be playing with such incredibly talented muso's. I just concentrate on doing my thing on the keyboard, and it all sounds good.
However, after this taste at being a keyboard player, I'm thinking perhaps I should leave it to the more muscular folk. Maybe take up vocals. Why? Because my keyboard and amp are sooo damn heavy!! I didn't even carry my keyboard (because I physically can't!) - I managed to enlist my fellow drummer and pianist to be my roadies for the afternoon. I only carried my amp, keyboard stand, and the cables, pedal etc. But this morning when I woke up, I could barely move my shoulders from the effort expended whilst carrying my stuff from the car to the theatre. Ouchie. :(
Current listening :: "Deep River" - Utada Hikaru