"i want to have that one person i can turn to at all times. i want to have that type relationship that is solid and you never have to worry or wonder what the other is thinking, because you know they only think the best of you."
Sounds familiar hey. The above quote was taken from a girls blog. I find it kinda sad and interesting to see that what the bible has always taught about what people need is illustrated again and again by honest comments like that. People want and need something that only God can provide, but they keep looking for it in any place, activity or person other than God.
Most of the time they go along happily, self-sufficient with no real need - but every now and then, something happens that makes them realise they have this emptiness inside them.. "i feel lonely. as if a hole is in my soul".. and they spend their whole lives searching for something to fill that void. Be it relationships, career, success, or even devoting your life to helping others... in the end, nothing can ever fully fill the void in their life. That void is part of us as humans, because we were created to be in a relationship with God. And only God can fill that void in us.
I guess I fall into that trap as well. The mistaken belief that I can fulfill my greatest needs with all these worldly things around me. I constantly find myself looking to things like relationships or self-satisfying activities to fill that void and give me happiness. But the person I should be looking to, and finding my soul's satisfaction in, is Jesus - who loves me so much he gave his life for me, who knows me better than any partner will ever know me, or even better than I know myself.